Foster wrote two YA novels in the Claudia and the Science Club series. The first, Downstream, was published in 2018. The second, Spill, came out in 2021. The stories follow a high school girl who loves science and is trying to figure out life while having fun and solving science adventures with her Science Club friends. The Claudia series is meant to entertain preteen readers and grow their interest in clean water topics. Each book contains a discussion guide that can be used to lead a discussion on local clean water topics after students have read the books. Perfect for adjunct reading during a middle school water unit or for home schoolteachers.

Her most recent novel, Brothers After All, is Native American fiction that came out in October 2022. This dystopian thriller pits a Ute school teacher against the President of the United States when an EMP knocks out the grid in the US. The story is set in the mountains of Colorado and is told from an Indigenous perspective. It imagines how the First Peoples on the continent help bring our nation back to life and fulfill prophecy.

Foster has blogged on clean water topics since 2018. previously provided consumers with information on how to make sure their tap water is safe with testing, filtration, and knowledge about local contaminants and how to get rid of them. New blog entries can be accessed here.

Foster spent her career in corporate communications. Since moving to writing full time, she also enjoys spending time with her daughters and grandchildren, gardening, reading, swimming, and hiking.

Her books are available on and Ingram Spark (for libraries and schools). Brothers After All is at Eagle Dancer and Hooked on Books in Colorado Springs. Other independent bookstores in Salida, Durango, Mancos, and Cortez, Colorado also carry the book. Follow her at or on Facebook at Kathryn Foster Books where you can join her book club.

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About Kathryn Foster